Application Solutions for the Food Industry

January 13, 2020

Boiler Application

It is important to buy boilers of good quality. Steam boilers account for the largest proportion of boiler applications in food plants. Steam boilers in food factories mainly transport steam through pipelines, which require constant steam temperature and constant pressure, and even the quality of steam determines the quality of food leaving the factory. Food plant steam boilers are mainly used for distillation, extraction, sterilization, drying, and maturation processes in food processing. High-temperature steam is used for high-temperature cooking, drying, and disinfection of food. However, it is not limited to steam supply for food production. Some food factories will deploy their own power station boilers for internal power generation, or use hot water boilers to centrally heat their factories, office buildings, dormitory buildings, etc. Of course, there are some processes in food factories that require hot water boilers for special processing of food.

Flow Chart

Which Type Of Boilers Apply To This Industry?


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